The Community Manager

Cali Harris

Cali Harris (better known as Caligater) lives and salsa dances in Boulder, Colorado. She's Managing Editor for The Community Manager and works at TechStars. She still clings to the Oxford comma.
Introducing CM Stories – Tell Us Your Story

Introducing CM Stories – Tell Us Your Story

Have you told your story lately? You know, your story from the front lines of community building. Introducing CM Stories We're adding a new category to The Community Manager: CM Stories. In addition to the how-tos, case studies, and resources shared on TCM, we want to...

Write For Us!

Write For Us!

Want to write for The Community Manager? We'd love to have you. On, our posts cover community management activities related, but not limited, to best practices, resources, tools, books, groups, and stories about community building. Interested...