The Community Manager

Can Community Management Influence Lurking Behavior?

February 4, 2013
Juergen Derlath
Can Community Management Influence Lurking Behavior?

Can Community Management Influence Lurking Behavior?Most online communities have lurkers.

Lurkers are users on the fringe of a community—they observe what happens, but don’t interact, post, or contribute.

Most CMs have likely wondered how they can turn lurkers into regular contributors. There’s some academic research that dives into this topic. Yes, you read that correctly: academic research. (Stay with me…)

1. Why do people lurk?

Several academic studies have examined lurkers’ reasons for lurking and their relationship with the community. Here are two important points:

  • There are some reasons for joining an online community that lurkers and contributors have in common (e.g. getting a general understanding of the community, reading conversations/stories). But contributors seem to be much more attracted by the prospect of engagement in the community (be a member, make friends, offer one’s expertise, get empathetic support). [1]
  • A person may contribute to one community and be a lurker in another. The behavioral outcome is dependent on the person’s overall engagement (a personal characteristic trait regardless of the situational context) and strongly modified by the person’s attitude toward the topic, the community or the task. [2]

One study from 2006 offers especially interesting details:

Table: Reasons why lurkers don’t post (% of respondents) [1]

Didn’t need to post
(53.9) Just reading/browsing is enough
(21.5) No requirement to post
(13.2) Had no intention of posting
Needed to find out about the group
(29.7) Still learning about the group
Thought I was being helpful
(22.8) Nothing to offer
(18.7) Others have said it
Couldn’t make the software work
(9.1) Not enough time to post
(7.8) Do not know how to post to this group
(4.6) There are too many messages already
Didn’t like the group (poor dynamics/fit)
(28.3) Shy about posting
(15.1) Want to remain anonymous
(11.0) Of no value to me
(7.8) Poor quality of messages or group/community
(7.3) Wrong group
(6.8) [Observed] long delay in response to postings
(5.9) Concern about aggressive responses
(4.1) If I post, I am making a commitment
(1.4) Group treats new members badly

Two aspects should be highlighted:

  • Only 13.2 % of those questioned had no intention to post from the outset.
    From this, we can infer that there is a considerable number of users who lose interest in contributing while lurking—even though they may have originally intended to participate.
  • Not every reason for lurking can be solved through community management (e.g. not enough time to post).
    And many reasons that can be influenced (e.g. long delay in response to postings) are certainly already on the agenda of most committed community manager.

2. Can community management convert lurkers to posters?

According to social learning theory (which proposes that people learn from one another via observation, imitation, and modeling) a new community member will always start as a lurker or with relatively few contributions. Over time, they gain knowledge, competence and confidence—and contributions increase.

One such “evolutionary path” could be described in this way: A new member would start as a visitor (lurker). He/she eventually learns the norms of the community, builds an identity and, later on, becomes a regular who participates reliably in community life or even becomes a leader who keeps the community running. The highest achievable position would be an “elder,” a long-time regular and/or leader who is esteemed for sharing his/her knowledge.

Although this sounds very promising, to my knowledge—and unfortunately—the prerequisites for a successful conversion of lurkers to contributors have not yet been examined.

In my opinion, once again the person’s overall engagement and his/her attitude toward the topic/community/task are the decisive factors.

3. So, what’s the upshot?

Lurkers gonna lurk. But our efforts to “delurk” them aren’t outright useless. It seems that much lurking can be prevented (or corrected) by setting the right framework for participation, like:

  • an easy-to-use website/forum
  • intuitively structured community sites
  • an open-minded ambiance
  • motivating posts for newbies
  • community members who are tolerant in their dealings with one another, etc.

And for those who prefer to remain lurkers in your community, well, give them interesting content—and they might at least attract others to your community. A lurker in one community may be an active member in another.


This is what some of the academic research has to say about lurkers in a community. In your actual day-to-day practice, what have you discovered is the most effective way to turn lurkers into contributors?



[1] Nonnecke, B., Andrews, D., Preece, J. (2006). “Non-public and public online community participation: Needs, attitudes and behaviour.” Electronic Commerce Res (2006) 6, p. 7-20. Google Scholar

[2] Muller, M. (2012). “Lurking as Personal Trait or Situational Disposition? Lurking and Contributing in Enterprise Social Media.” CSCW 2012, February 11-15, Seattle, Washington. Google Scholar

Photo cred: gail m tang via Compfight

Juergen Derlath

Juergen Derlath is head of R & D and social media executive in a publishing company. His main fields of interest: the psychology of virtual communities and instructional design. Visit the blog or follow on twitter for more about that stuff.


  1. DavidSpinks

    Juergen, I LOVE this post.  Respect for pulling in actual research to back your claims.  We’re going to have you bring you back for more posts as this is exactly the kind of content I’d like to see a lot more of in the community world.
    A lot of what you’re saying is in line with what I’ve seen in my community building experience.  I do think that the community manager can make a difference, and convert lurkers into active participants.  
    Perhaps their best chance is when someone first joins.  I always introduce new members, welcome them to the community, and ask them a very simple and relatable question to get them started.  For example, in our Feast student community, when anyone joins the group, I ask them what’s their favorite meal to cook?  Or how often do you cook dinner?  Easy to answer.  This gets them started on an active foot.

  2. Juergen_Derlath

    DavidSpinks Hey David! The highly positive response to the post is a real morale booster for the next one!
    I too think that the first contact with the community is decisive because it forms the first impression. Although the first impression can be corrected later on – like in human relationship – one can never be sure to get a second chance. So it is much better to start with a positive first contact. That’s why I like so much the picture Cali has chosen for this post. To me, the young woman seems to be unsure whether she will be wellcome. But a few friendly words (like the ones you use to introduce new members) may dispel her concerns.


  1. Le public des Community Managers (CM) | Master Marketing Opérationnel International - […] les conversations par exemple. Comme nous l'explique Juergen Derlath dans son étude « Â Can Community Management Influence Lurking Behavior?« , la…

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