The Community Manager

7/27 #Cmgrchat: Community & Social Good

September 7, 2011
Judi Huck

Social good/social capitalism. It all boils down to organizations and corporations furthering a social mission and executing on plans to help others. The following is a thoughtful chat about social efforts, including whom to follow so you can stay up-to-date. It’s not to be missed! 😉


Q1. Besides the obvious, what are the most compelling reasons a brand should be involved with promoting social good?

kweenie Well, it’s all about social perception, but it does set you apart…at least in the eyes of the more socially-aware.

RachelYeomans It’s a great way for a brand to more clearly showcase its brand model/statement – it’s relatable to the audience

annabassham Develops positive brand sentiment, and people are more willing to be associated with (and buy from) a brand who does good.

HeatherCosson Customers are more conscious of what a brand does and making purchase decisions based on brand missions and actions.

KratzPR Social Good invokes sentiment and community. If a brand wants to build champions, they should be genuine in making a difference

TheJournalizer social good should be promoted organically, rather through bogus ideas like viral spurts. Be a good role model as a brand.

KellyLux There may be more incentive to be associated with a brand who is cultivating a reputation for caring about people & issues.

AskTim Doing good is a powerful message. Look at the Liberty Mutual ads showing people helping each other out. People think of that.

vargasl It is great to participate in social good projects, but don’t wave a flag to get attention.

rodicka not to mention that some brands take on#sogood initiatives to mask or undo their faults and shortcomings


Q2) What do you look for in a partner for your social good efforts? Is this part of the CM’s role at your co?

TheJournalizer Unfortunately I work in such a large company that social good efforts are handled through corporate.

RachelYeomans It’s important to do your research on the partners with references -it may be the job of the CM but it should be a team effort

KratzPR At#TweetDriveI look for existing communities that not only leverage social but are genuine in supporting others

cashleelee someone who believes&breathes the same philosophy!

gordondym  From n/p side, want corp partner who understands our needs but whose help relates to their mission

KellyLux Choose a partner that somehow relates to your brand…or just something that your employees care about (local/global)

kweenie It’s important to find an honest organization…probably with as little a political connection as possible.

dougridley Looking for a partner that’s always two steps ahead of my own game and challenges me.

tommytrc WAY too much “Whats in it for me” going around!

KratzPR Honestly the bottom line for a partner is enthusiasm. They have to feel as if its their project too no matter the gain!

IslandPrintGrp It is important to partner with someone who not only believes in the cause/company, but pushes you in new directions.


Q3. Please share examples of some successful/interesting/unique social good campaigns. Any examples of spectacular failures?

RachelYeomans I atually really liked the Toyota Prius hulu commercials on how you can use their technology for good – really cool

DigitalKaitlyn I am currently working on launching a campaign for a company that will donate 50 cents/new like to winning nonprofit voted by fans

kweenie The Toms shoes campaign was a good one, but that just kinda turned into a mess…overall, I’d say it was good with a point.

IslandPrintGrp #PositiveThurs Where (on thurs) I encourage ppl 2 write positive tweet + tag them. I put them in a storify after. Does that count?

dougridley I think @charitywater does a good job of using SM to support and share the news on their website

RachelYeomans  Oh! And the Ben & Jerry’s twitter social good campaign was fabulous

HeatherCosson Great example= Kellogg’s support of the American Heart Association’s Red Dress campaign

KratzPR Spectacular Fail: The Celebrities Not Tweeting (or whatever that was) I thought that was the worst thing ever.

tommytrc the mercedes superbowl and audi campaigns worked well. Mercedes better then Audi IMHO

candacecorner It’s completely biased since I work on it, but I think the Think Beyond the Label campaign is a smart campaign

lttlewys DOVE has a great campaign for teen girls. And has expanded to reach women and self esteem!

SunnyinSyracuse Hanes & The Salvation Army did a great sock drive on facebook during the holidays

JPedde  I want to go old school and think about campbell’s and their labels for schools. Do they still do that? Or Cereal Boxtops?

SaraBAllen Being able to text donations for Haiti/Japan is the best social good campaign yet because you heard about it on social.

kweenie I’m a big fan of MAC’s Viva Glam campaign, myself. Sales of VG items go to the MAC AIDS Fund. All of it, not a %age.

KratzPR Here are some examples of the #socialgood campaigns that contributed to the Japan efforts

theTsaritsa I really can’t believe I thought “Pink” by VS was for breast cancer awareness/research. It’s not. Marketing…

JPedde Bridging gaming & social good seems like such a perfect combo

SunnyinSyracuse: Can I say the FB “campaign” using cartoon photos to raise child abuse awareness as a failed example?


Q4) Who should you be following (on twitter & elsewhere) for updates on social good?

rodicka I have a list for those focused on empowerment of women globally:!/rodicka/empowerwomen

KratzPR Follow @MelissaaJones – SM coordinator for Alex’s Lemonade. So passionate about helping others!

KratzPR Follow @prtini @valeriesimon @shonali @dbreakenridge – all are dedicated to helping others thru social good & in general

gordondym I also highly recommend @thefabgiver – combines stylishness with social consciousness + I also tweet about n/p social good and blog

DigitalKaitlyn I run my own social media/web 2.0 blog and I enjoy@MariSmith and @Mashable

candacecorner  For starters, @Mashable does a social good award. I would look at previous winning campaigns & bizs behind those concepts

Joewithanl Re:cycled Tweets – another of our social good projects.Took lame tweets & recycled them. Donating $ for tweets

polleydan I just thought about @LoveDropTeam for social good.

gordondym Finally, check out @ChicagoRedCrossand for opps for you/your co to get involved

bdionline: Your followers! Listen to what their interests are and help their cause!

JPedde Actually @Seamlessweb is doing a pretty neat online charity thing. Get 5% off all pick up orders & 5% donated to 1 / 3 hunger orgs

theTsaritsa I follow Petango on Facebook, they do a lot of good for shelter animals.

rodicka Correction on Games for Change: @acumenfund @GOOD @G4C@kanter (*plug* my nonprofit: @douniaproject)

mgspeaks is open to collabin’ with anyone that wants to equalizes and democratize access to human service programs


Wanna do *your* part for social good? #Cmgrchat (2-3pm EST) is looking for digest writers! Drop a comment below or reach out to @jpedde & @kellylux if interested <3

Judi Huck

Judi Huck

Mover. Shaker. Candlestick maker. Currently engaged as a community and social media strategist.


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