Our topic this week was Metrics and in an area that’s always difficult to figure out, this provided a lot of resources and help to make sure we’re all getting closer to figuring out that ROI. We had 457 tweets from 66 participants and a lot of great info.
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Q1 What are the areas you are attempting to measure for work?
buona_vita: ROI, Site visits, basically all metrics that are possible is accepted some more than others
cochinealred: Subscription rates, local impact for events we host, and engagement levels. Views and comments as well…
WriterChanelle: Success of email campaigns, brand mentions, quality of engagement on SM networks
kaleighsimmons: We’re looking really closely at blog page visits, time spent/bounce rate – and if we’re driving them to other parts of the site.
Q2: What tools do you use to measure those areas, and why?
cochinealred: Google analytics, SWIX, tweetdeck
Mitch_M: Google Analytics, Feedburner & Alexa ranking
Asaulgoldman: Tools we use to measure ROI include bit.ly, twitalyzer, tweetreach, GA. We run reports on all on a weekly basis.
kaleighsimmons: Google Analytics is huge – esp like the heat map feature, so we can see where people are clicking to from the blog
syracusecs: Google Analytics (general web), Raven SEO Tools (seo & social), Feedburner (rss), Clixpy (usability)
HenriettaSung: Google analytics for website traffic, www.icerocket for SN measures bit.ly for hit rates, twittercounter for followers
HenriettaSung: Looking into #klout & learning about their klout scores, it does identify what type of tweeter you are & give recommendations
pushingvision: Prelaunch design heatmap tool: http://bit.ly/9wAxFC
WriterChanelle: In addition to GA, I use Socialmention.com, PostRank, the metrics offered in mailchimp and bit.ly stats
mhandy1: @radian6 is an amazingly powerful tool that I use all the time..
Q3. What are you doing with the data that you gather? What do you consider ‘good’ numbers?
buona_vita: Using numbers to improve current strategies, show results positive and negitive
cochinealred: compare to previous performance as well as current marketing campaigns to determine effictiveness
cochinealred: Also using data to write better blog posts, direct readers and visitors to more useful areas of website.
syracusecs: Creating additional reports, looking for large spikes/drops and then trying to find out why they happened.
JPedde: We use the keywords that we see in Google Analytics for future blog posts.
40deuce: data can be used in so many ways. It really depends on what your goals are
Asaulgoldman: At the moment, we don’t archive our SM data. Wouldn’t benefit us. We measure week by week and make improvements that way.
jvkautz: Our ind. relies on referrals – a good marketing metric would show an increase in % of referred clients, with SM leadsource
Q4. How do you translate *metrics* into *action*?
cochinealred: Use the metrics to see trends, respond to what users are searching for – create content based on demand
mhandy1: Make adjustments on flow charts to fix deficiencies/ modify content calendars around engagement trends
Asaulgoldman: See Trends, recognize opportunities: fit the content to the demand, but also guide further demand thru proactive engagement.